Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Please accept my apologies for not being more current on the blogsphere
My Dad has a blog and when I read his blog or my brother/sister-in-law's blog, it reminds me that I've not blogged in a while. Then I think well, it's for me so I'll blog when I feel like it. Then I think... no, the blog is not really for me as much as it is for people who care about me and use the blog to know what I'm up to when they think enough of me to check it out so....I need to get on the stick and let folks know what's going on! Of course, it's always great to hear what's going on with you, as well.
It's been a busy social time. After returning from Miami on December 2nd, it was get to work mode as I had some client appointments last week, some new leads to follow-up on AND a tradeshow to get ready for this week. Then, it's all the Christmas social events of the season and well, it's just hard to keep up! I do have a new housekeeper -for which I am so grateful b/c now I can at least have a clean house and invite folks over without having to feel embarrassed by how messy it is. That's a beautiful thing.
So I am actually done with my major Christmas shopping, I'm soo happy about that. Ah, the joys of internet shopping - combined with a little indoor shopping and it's a wrap! Actually, Steinmart had a 14 hour sale and that was all she wrote. I spent THREE HOURS in Steinmart - two hours were finding a cute outfit for the Delta Christmas Party on Saturday night. I'm looking forward to it. I'm taking my beau Bryan so now he gets to meet all the sorors. That should be interesting. We were then invited to a Trinity friend's house party just now so then we'll head down South to hang out there for a while, as well. I'm looking forward to this weekend - it should be fun. And it will offset all the busy busy busy work activities of the week. PHEW - I'm exhausted and it's just Wednesday.
So, that's it for now. Will write more later on......
Friday, November 30, 2007
Random Musings on a Friday Night....
I am sitting in my hotel room in Miami, Florida. Was supposed to get with some friends tonight but those plans fell through so I went to a reception that some friends were having and then came up to the room to take care of some business before tomorrow's trade show. I'll be going back down to the hospitality suite at 10:30 pm to support my friends from Alabama who are hosting the suite and then I'll head to bed. Tomorrow will be an early morning.
I am attending the National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners Fall Conference being held in Miami, Florida. It's been seven years since I've been a registered attendee at NCBMP! My reason for not attending in the past is that my company did not support my membership and it was too expensive for me to pay to attend on my own. After coming back and remembering all of the great relationships and mentors that I've met along the way in this organizations (and some of my best friends in the industry are from this organization), I've come to realize that I need to support the organization and pay for my own membership if the company that I work for will not. You can't forget where you've come from and I grew up professionally and personally in this organization. No more excuses. I'll just make one of the conferences a working vacation if the company won't support it and go network and do business with my friends.
So, what else is going on? Had fun at Thanksgiving. My friend Bryan (well, we have not really put "labels" on our......relationship but.....we're dating) came up the Friday night after Thanksgiving and met the folks. He was a really good sport and helped with the Annual Christmas Trees preparation! We all (Mom, Dad, Bryan and me) had a great time and I think the folks liked him. Dad actually mentioned meeting him in his blog so that's a good sign, I suppose.
OH yes, Daddy has a blog now. And he's doing pretty good in updating it. I'll ask him if I can share his blog address so those of you who check out my blog and know my Dad can keep up with him, as well.
Work is ok. One of the sessions I sat in today talked about knowing if you want to be in the game. You have to decide if you want to be in the game or not and commit to your decision as ppl will notice if you have checked out. I noticed that I had checked out for a bit from my job but this conference has helped me put some priorities back in line and check back into the job and into life. Hmmm, I just realized that I can go work out right now since I have a couple of hours of free time as I've not worked out in a couple of days and have been eating a bit more than usual. I've made some pretty decent food choices while I've been here - however, a bit more working out will certainly not hurt in preparation for the Christmas parties, etc.
more to come.....
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
My Dad started a blog today. Won't that be interesting? I have not been as current with my blog as I would like to but....there's always tomorrow, right? Since the busy part of the work season has finally subsided (thank goodness), we'll just get caught up in everything else that I have going on.
The home refinance is complete - YEA!!!! The beautiful part is that I don't have to pay a mortgage again until Jan 2008 so extra money to pay down some credit card debt. I don't have a lot in the first place (PRAISE GOD); however, it's always a good thing to pay down what I do have.
My friend Bryan is coming to visit me and meet the folks tomorrow. Should be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing him. I am in serious like with this guy....not sure if that's a good or bad thing but...I'm just rolling with the punches and just enjoying the experience - come what may. work. Our company is an interesting company. Some of the decisions that are made really don't make sense and they (management) get upset when you question the decisions. I just want to understand the logic to get on board's a trip - in any event. Never a dull moment. I did put setting a date for my GMAT and filling out the grad school applications on my task list so now it's looking at me every day that I don't do it. I'm looking forward to that new challenge.
OK - gotta pay some bills and start getting some Christmas gifts so.....hugs to all. Have a wonderful holiday season!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Is honesty always the best policy?
It's been a crazy fall thus far. After I got from Puerto Rico (which while beautiful, was a bit of a stressful trip), I had about 4 days and then I headed to Washington DC to do another client program. That program went very well - thank goodness - and the clients were happy with us. Love it when you've got good stuff going on.
Had a small recent set back with a client who felt I was "too direct" - what does that mean, anyway? But, I volunteered for the good of the company to back away from the account and the client. It's a shame that the client could nto come to me but I guess that would have been "too direct" for her to do that. I've always believed that communication can work through almost any problem. It's a shame that other people cannot find a way to communicate clearly, honestly and effectively to resolve conflict instead of going behind people's backs and acting ugly toward others.
It's kinda interesting - a recent conversation with a friend that we discussed how she finds it creepy to find out that people are talking "about" her instead of "to" her. I told her to get over it b/c people will ALWAYS talk about you and in fact, the bigger a role you take (in anything), the more fodder is provided for people to talk about. I move and conduct myself with honesty, integrity and compassion in all things and accept responsibility for my actions. Frankly, I feel blessed that I have the ability to talk with anyone about anything (some call it a gift and some call it a curse) and to be able to discuss (and hopefully resolve) conflicts in a calm and clear manner.
When I make a mistake, I am the first to take ownership and clean up whatever was messed up. It's amazing to me that I run into so many more people who cannot handle that. Why is that? Ego? Fear? Denial? What is that about?
I was feeling anger towards the client and towards the fellow Projection staff person who had a hand in this situation and who lied to me directly when I opened a conversation to see if there were any conflicts and/or issues that the client had with me that I was not aware of and then at the same time was arranging a meeting between the client and MY BOSS. Praise God that my boss has supported me throughout this trying time as it has weighed heavily on me. It's tough to not know what you've done wrong (in someone's eyes) but for them to cut off communication and/or act in an untoward and ugly manner to you. But, I'll have to just move on. Thank God my other clients seem to like and appreciate my work on their behalf.
OK - still owe you pics of the new home office. Someday soon..... Hugs,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Puerto Rico Part Three
The picture above shows the Marina for the hotel. They are also building a water park at the El Conquistador so it's going to be even nicer than before!
The island in the photo belongs to the hotel, as well. The El Conquistador is set on the side of a mountain so there is no beachfront at the main hotel. You take a ferry over to the island and that's where you can sit on the beach. I did not get to do that on this trip but my colleagues did. They said that the water was just warm and fantastic. I did a spa thing and hung out by the pool instead.
Here's another shot of the island. I forget what the name of island is but if you go to the website - you'll see it there.
Oh, the memories....... Next time, though, I think I want to just go without work and just be able to sit back and enjoy it all! More news later!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thought I was posting some thoughts from Puerto Rico
More photos and thoughts from Puerto Rico (aka Paradise)
Well, I thought I was going to post up some more shots from the resort; however, blogger is having a little problem right now so stay tuned.......
Hopefully when I get home, the pictures from the home renovation are ready so I can start sharing that. What an ordeal, to say the LEAST!!!! Hugs to all!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Ok, so where has Cherai been this time around....
I've been creating a true home office out of my dining room. It's been a HUGE DRAMA but it is finally up and running. It's not quite functional yet but it's pretty darn close, thank goodness. I have pictures of the entire process from when the walls were drywall white and now they are..... Well, just stay tuned and you will see what it looks like now.
It's very exciting!
Hope all is well in your worlds!
Check out the View from My Show Office for This Week!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
All is one with the universe....or is it?
Today, for me, the work life is not great. Everything else is going pretty well. I'm actually dating someone (how exciting is that), my house is a wreck but it's a work in progress of transitioning the dining room into a home office - a REAL home office so it's a mess at the moment but a good mess. Currently, all my friends are good - at least I think they are. But it's the JOB that has got me down. Nothing specific to write about necessarily - just a bit more frustrating than usual, I suppose.
Perhaps this is God's way of keeping us humble. If everything went fine all the time, then we would think we would not need him b/c we had it all under control and God had nothing to do with it. Those of us who know KNOW that's not the case at all. I am praying for guidance and wisdom on a regular basis. Perhaps there is something else I should be praying for, as well. Hmmm.
OK gotta run for now. Just got some pics back so I'll be sharing what I've been up to for the past month or two.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Why haven't I been posting lately
July 26 - 28 - Milwaukee at Delta Regional Conference
July 28 - August 1 - Montreal at MPI WEC
August 4 - 13 - San Francisco working the American Bar Assn convention
August 14 - 15 - Washington DC making presentation to potential new client
August 16 - 19 - collapsed and rested at home in Chicago. I literally ate, slept, read and watched TV for four days and only left the apt twice to just get myself food! I was so tired....
It's hard to get other stuff (non-work related stuff) done when one is on the road. Once you come in from a hard day's work on show-site or at the trade show booth, all you have the energy to do is to let the tv watch you fall asleep. It's so amusing to hear my friends who don't travel for business marvel at how "glamourous" it must be to travel for your job. Some days it is fun, some days it is not fun and most days it is just another aspect of the job. It's definitely not as much fun as it used to be with the longer security lines and the packing non-checked luggage rules. Summer travel has been CRAZY with all the novice travelers and families who don't know the rules. But, things could be much worse so I really don't complain (much). It does not do alot of good anyway.
Hope to post the pics from my travels very soon. Ciao for now.
Tough Day Today....
So, how does one get over disappointment? Usually it's not so tough. As my Dad told me today "Sometimes you get the bear. And sometimes, the bear gets you." Today is definitely a day that the bear got me. I bid on a piece of business that the team (and I) worked very hard on and the presentation went very well. And I just found out through the grapevine that they chose another vendor. My contact at the organization has not told me why they chose another av company and she said that she would call me on Monday. So frustrating. My contact is also a friend and I know (well, I think) she was pulling for us; however, it was not just her decision. It was the decision of five people so who knows what the final decision boiled down to.
There are some losses that aren't so hard to handle - you just "get yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again." This one, though, hurts a bit more I guess b/c I wish my contact would have just told me up front. Not that she's not been up front with me all along - that's not it. OK, now I'm getting confused and that's my state of affairs today - just disappointment and confusion. Let's see - what's really going through my head here:
- Worked hard
- Enlisted 3 other team members to also work hard
- Really thought we had a good shot and ultimately we did not
- Thought this would be my first big client that I brought in myself and it ultimately was not
- Went all out on the proposal and presentation so if doing my best is not good enough, then what is and am I spinning my wheels for nothing.....
- Makes me question my abilities and salesmenship in this side of the industry....
- I also know that I've been working pretty non-stop for the past 3 months so I am probably a little more emotional than normal.....
OK - not that I've gotten all of that out of my system, perhaps I can refocus and get to work taking care of my other existing clients as well as do the proposal for another RFP that needs to be done. We'll just give that my all, as well. They do take a lot out of you, though.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
We won!!!
Through many various avenues - but especially through the work I've done in Landmark Education (, I've had the pleasure of learning over and over that when you give (of your time, your talents, your grace) from a generous place, the unexpected windfalls of what you receive in return outweigh what you've given out tenfold. Towards the end of the campaign time, my contributions to the campaign really kicked into high gear with mobilizing the volunteers and making sure that her campaign booth and items for the voting delegates were in place and ready to go. Work had also kicked into high gear and it was just a very stressful, busy time. OGM and I had had a conversation that we were BOTH ready for this election to be over - one way or another - as we were both just exhausted from all our efforts.
Let me tell you, though, all those negative thoughts disappeared the moment I got to Milwaukee and started working with the FABULOUS team of volunteers that had presented themselves to help in any way possible to get Octavia to reach her goal of RD. I am so blessed to have met many fascinating women whose talents and gifts go beyond compare and were so generous in spirit. We had a GREAT time in Milwaukee and I told OGM that I would do it all over again in a minute. When they read her name as the victor of the race, there were tears in all of our eyes (including hers) and we were so happy - all the time spent in planning and preparation was forgotten in that happy moment.
Real job then called andI had to head to Montreal for a business trip Saturday night so I was not able to participate in the celebrations but I was joyous in my mind and in my heart for OGM and our On The M.O.V.E. team on the plane and in Montreal once I got to my room.
Congrats to my girl and her team for all their hard work. Now the fun (and real work) starts to keep our region tops in the sorority. I've told OGM that I am there to help her.
Reflections on the I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis
In any event, the situation stunned me as I know I've traveled over the 35W bridge in my past. In a former job, I went to Minneapolis twice a year for business trips. It's quite scary to think that you could be going over a bridge and it could collapse at any moment. One of my best friends, R, has always had a fear of bridges. I cannot imagine that this did not trigger that, as well.
My brother J and his wife L have a great blog that I enjoy reading when I get the precious moments to do so. J recently put up a post from another blog called Discover God. The pastor delivers a sermon while footage of the I-35W bridge collapse and subsequent rescue efforts are being shown on a YouTube video. The message is really quite stirring and thought provoking so it seemed like an interesting idea to share it with those who read my blog. You may or may not agree with the message; however, it does prompt one to think about what God's message is to all of us in the wake of this and/or any tragedy.
Will post more this week as it's been REALLY crazy busy. Hugs to all.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Pounds come off...and they come back on....
At this point, I've still in the loss column with 12 lbs to date. I went to my Dr. on Tuesday and she was concerned that I had lost too much weight in one month. It was interesting b/c as you lose weight, your skin that had expanded to hold in the weight does not necessarily go away - it just bunches up. I now see why folks have that plastic surgery after losing weight so that they look fit and taut.
Now, for those who may read this and not know me or what I look like (other than the profile photo - which is a pretty good one, I might add), my goal is to be healthy, eat healthy, shrink my waist/tummy and then fit into some items of clothing that I have not been able to get in for about 2 years now. It's actually funny - my legs, hips look good (to me). It's just the tummy (like a small beer belly - and I don't even drink beer - HOW RUDE) that protrudes out a bit and causes me to wear the larger sizes. So my waist fits fine (you're suppose to fit the largest part of you) but then the legs and the tushy area of my pants are all big and roomy.
Oh well, I continue my trials and tribulations of sticking to the South Beach Diet. It's not that hard to follow. I LOVE not having to count points, etc. You just have to stick with foods that don't have a high glycemic index (little to no sugar or will break down into sugar). In addition to falling off the good carbs bandwagon, I had also slacked up on the exercise as my hotels have not had decent work out facilities nor did I feel comfortable walking around by myself at night in a different neighborhood. It's tough to come home and go back to the gym to see my trainer b/c I know that first visit is going to be difficult and painful when it's done b/c I was out of practice. I got in my first good walk in about 2 weeks in last night - it was great to stretch the legs. I'm getting in another one today. Have to take full advantage of the beautiful weather in Chicago!
OK - off to enjoy another beautiful day! Enjoy yours too!
I-Pod woes.....
Here's the story: this week I bought an external hard drive as my computer's hard drive was getting full and I was having some performance problems. My personal computer technician and friend J came over to assist me in showing me how it works and all that. Well, he inadvertently not only transferred the actual files of the CD but he also transferred over the .wav files that the I-Pod reads in I-Tunes and then synchronizes with my little gadget. So tonight when I go to update my library and my personal play lists, my I-Tunes gives me this huge error message that none of my tunes can be played because the original files cannot be located. Of course, they are on the external hard drive, which the I-Tunes driver does not read. UGH!!!!!!!
Ok, so after calling my computer tech in a panic and he's not available (so he has a life that includes social activities on a Friday night - unlike his client here - lucky him), I start to tinker around to see if I can figure this out on my own. VERY SCARY NOTION - Cherai tinkering in her computer. Well, I find the file that has all the .wav files (or .aac files - whatever) and import that file back into my I-Tunes. SUCCESS! I now have all my files again and the songs will play again.
Then I look at my library again and figure out "OH NO - NOW I HAVE DOUBLED THE SIZE IN MY I-TUNES LIBRARY AND EVERY SONG IS DUPLICATED!!!" I've sent messages to I-Tunes support help and urgent emails to my computer technician. Alas, I'm stuck out here on my own. It would appear that I now have to go in and manually delete every extra song. HOURS of work.
And on top of that, I have to re-do all my customized playlists (about 15 different ones like work out list and a chill-out list, etc). Ho-hum - I see hours of work in my future. This is so sad. And there is NO WAY I'm synching my I-Pod to my I-Tunes until I know if my I-Tunes is correct and fixed properly. What a PAIN IN THE REAR!!!!!!
HMMMM, I wonder if I delete every song listed in the I-Tunes directly but the files are in the hard drive and then let my I-pod put the songs back on the I-Tunes list when it synchs again. I'll have to go to the Apple Store to see if we they recommend. That could be my exercise tomorrow - walking to the I-Pod store on Michigan Avenue. I did some serious walking tonight but that's another topic for another post on my blog.
Say a prayer for me as I manually reconfigure my I-Tunes. This is so sad....
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Oh, the good old summertime...
Now, the bummer part of summer is that usually it's my busiest time to travel. This summer has made up for a travel-less spring as this week I was in Jessup, MD at our corporate headquarters for a sales meeting. I'm home for another 10 days and then I'm on a whirlwind tour that will basically last from July 26th - August 16th. I get to come home for 2 days to wash clothes and pack and then I head back out again. The destinations are cool, though. First Milwaukee for the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Midwest Regional Conference - where one of my dear friends and sorors is running for Regional Director. Please send positive thoughts and prayers her way (Octavia) that she is able to achieve her goal as Octavia will make a fabulous Regional Director.
After Milwaukee, I head to Montreal for an industry trade show. I'm totally looking forward to that as I've never been to Montreal. I'm working on getting my digital camera in working order again so that I can take great photos and you guys get to see them sooner than later. I'm still waiting for my pics to be developed from vacation in Asheville, NC and the family reunion. Hopefully soon that will happen....
After Montreal, I get to come home and wash clothes and then head to San Francisco for work. We're doing the American Bar Association convention in Moscone and I get to go out and support the operations team as we go do that so that's pretty exciting. Should be a lot of work but fun, as well.
It's a challenge to keep all the balls juggling in synch but we seem to be doing it with minimal dropped balls. We'll see what happens from here.
OH - and my parents just finished a wonderful Caribbean cruise so I can't wait to see their pics and hear about their relaxation adventures. Dad was determined to relax and enjoy himself and so was Mom. From what they have texted me during their trip, they achieved their goals. I'm just trying to be like them when I grow up.
OK - hopefully the next post will have some pics. Drop a note of what you're up to when time allows.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Enjoying the lazy, hazy days of summer....NOT!
And now it's time for my favorite event that happens every year - The Taste of Chicago. OH - what fun. However, it's just more of a game to figure out what I can eat and what's not good for me since I've started the South Beach Diet. I've lost 12 lbs so far - so I'm really excited about that. The Taste is so filled with yummy fried whatever and tons of potatoe food items. PHEW - it ain't easy. Last night was the first night and it was PACKED with people going to see Frankie Beverly and Maze, the headiner for last nights show. I went with about 8 of my sorors and we had a BLAST! It was just a little too crowded at certain sections, though. It was also the first night so folks were really excited and showed up in full force. I keep telling my out-of-town friends to come up b/c it's such a treat.
My parents usually come up for the Taste but they are on a plane to NJ to see my Mom's family and then to ride down to DC to see the newlyweds - my brother Jeff and his wife Laura. That should be fun. I hope to see the lovebirds the week of July 9th. Should be good times for all!
OK, enough of this. I have chores and errands so let me get started on those. Will attempt to keep all the balls juggling. Hope to hear from some of you who read my blog soon and look forward to keeping up with you by reading your blogs, or by speaking with you (or even seeing some of you) soon.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Next stop - Asheville & Brevard, North Carolina
So the next stop on my two weeks of travel was to Asheville, NC. My client had a program there and I also have extended family there so I decided to go visit client and family at the same time. how convenient. My and my girlfriends Renee and Patsy stayed at the beautiful Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa in Asheville - it was fabulous. Pictures will be coming soon. My client's program went well (from our end) so she was happy with me and my colleagues. Yea.
Saturday I went to a family reunion and saw many cousins and uncles and aunts and just folks I have not seen in YEARS! That was tons of fun.
Sunday was just a day of relaxation at the spa. Boy, did I need that! It was just fabulous. We stayed in the spa from 12:00 noon until 8:00 pm. There were 4 different pools and then jacuzzis and waterfalls and a cafe so you could have lunch and dinner there. It was easy to stay occupied and amused in there for 8 hours.
Monday we toured the famous Biltmore Estate, home to George Vanderbilt. It was HUGE and amazing.

This was the main dining room of the estate. Pretty, huh? The place was really huge - almost too big for someone's home. But then again, I'm sure I could live with it. :-)
This is the Italian garden from the estate. If it had not been so hot, I would have shot more photos.
Those two photos are from the website. Once I get the pics developed, I'll share other photos from the trip.
That's all for now. Catch you later
Thursday, June 14, 2007
OK, sometimes this blogging thing is a pain...
Where in the World is Cherai?
It has been so busy that I've either been on the run or laying low catching my breath for the past month. Well, remember that I said that I haven't been anywhere for a while? I've more than made up for it this month.
First there was the visit to Maryland in May - where I got to see Jeff and Laura (oh, as well as work at my hq warehouse with my boss - you can see what was the bigger priority for me). Since then, I have started training to do a 5K (fast walk - not ready to run yet) in September, started the South Beach Diet, worked like crazy for some VERY demanding clients, started the transition process from being a committee chair to being a Board of Directors member from one of my trade associations (Meeting Professionals International - Chicago Area Chapter) and won an election for a seat on the Nominating Committee of my sorority (Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, - Chicago Alumnae Chapter).
OH, did I mention that I've decided to go back to school for my MBA? My anticipated start date is Jan/Feb 2008. The application process is lenghthy and involved. I'm not quite sure how everything is going to work out - timewise. However, where there is a will, there is a way and if I have to give up some stuff, then so be it. So that you do not think I'm insane, I did not definitively decide on the MBA thing until this month. I had already committed to the Board position and the Nominating Committee seat before I knew I was going to take on the MBA-thing. Otherwise, I would not have signed up for both.
AND - the funny part is that I did not realize that the Board seat is a two year committment. Somewhere in my brain I had it for a one year time-frame. Funny how you miss the fine print.
Think I have enough to do? Oh, I still plan to have a social life, as well. One of my sorors has fixed me up with a friend of a friend, as well as one of my former dating buddies has come a callin' again. When it rains, it pours, right? The challenge is just to schedule everything in without burning out.
So, Cherai has been rather busy trying to keep my head above water. It's all good though.
OH - I have not mentioned the travel in June yet. First, I went to Minneapolis June 7 - 8 to check on my client's program that was happening at the Minneapolis convention center and just give the client and her team my regards. That went well - until the flight home. Summer travel is such a pain in the rear. Don't get me wrong - I love family and kids (well, the moderately behaved to the well behaved ones). Air travel is difficult enough these days with the extra security checks, the lines for the luggage check in, then drop-off and then the security lines. Add to it the family with kids who only travel every once in a while and are not used to all the new rules and regs and all the gear they want to carry on for the kids, it makes a regular business traveler want to tear their hair out. I just grin and bear it - even with JR kicking my seat for the entire two hour ride. First class is such a lovely thing.
Next on the travel itinerary was a trip to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on June 10 - 11 for a MPI-CAC Board of Directors retreat. It was fabulous. The resort was pretty nice (not swanky but very nice in the middle of the lake and great for creative thinking). The area up there by the lake is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The homes were tremendous. As soon as I get my film back (don't know how to work my digital camera yet), I will post some pics from the boat tour we got to do on the lake.
Upcoming this Friday is a family reunion in Brevard, NC and then a spa getaway at the Grove Park Inn in near-by Asheville, NC. I am so looking forward to the rest and relaxation. well, the rest and relaxation AFTER the reunion. The reunion should be very interesting, to say the least. I'll share those details and more later on.
So you all have a wonderful June and enjoy the summer. I promise to write more soon.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Jeff playing the banjo - I missed the shot!
Monday, May 28, 2007
I walk....and walk.....and walk....yet the pounds don't disappear.....
The best part of all this is that people are looking at me and asking me "What are you doing b/c you're losing weight? You look good." That's exciting. And yet, the scale does not move......... why is that? How frustrating. The tummy is still out a bit too far....
If anyone has any suggestions, that would be so great! I've started to really watch my portions and lessening the sweets, as well. Let's see if that helps the situation.
Visit to Jeff & Laura - I finally went somewhere!
First and foremost, please accept my apologies that I've not updated my blog recently. It's been a BUSY month since my last blog. No travel; until my visit to Maryland for business. While the original reason for the trip was a business meeting with my boss and a couple of colleagues, the highlight of the trip was visiting my brother Jeff and my favorite sister-in-law Laura for dinner - how awesome.

and here is all three of us hanging out in the living room. We took three photos with each of us standing in a different position. I chose this photo since I'm in the middle and you cannot see my extra weight! Still working hard on losing it!!
Laura cooked a GREAT dinner with mahi mahi, plaintains, salad and homemade bread! Plus some yummy dessert, as well. I'm impressed by your cooking abilities, Laura. Not necessarily inspired to emulate them b/c I'm lazy; however, I promise next time you and Jeff come to town, you'll have a great cooked meal. Now.....I did not say that I would be cooking it but you will be well fed! :-)
I also went to the office and saw my colleagues but that part was not as much fun. As soon as I download the photos from my phone, I'll share one of Jeff playing the banjo, as well. I did not even know that he played the banjo as well as the guitar. I'm impressed. It was a terrific visit!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Missed Travel....
Well, instead of having travel adventures, I've had travel MIS-adventures. I was supposed to go to DC to do a site inspection with a client and then was going to spend the weekend hanging out with friends and family. Well, it SNOWED in mid-April. My flight was canceled. Bummer. So, since the reason I was going was for business and the next available flight would have put me into DC too late for the business appointment, we just canceled the entire trip. :-( That was a bummer as I was looking forwardd to visiting with my brother and his wife, as well as a number of friends. goes on.
Then, I was headed to Atlanta tomorrow for a client program. However, a last minute dinner with an important friend/client is scheduled for Sun and the flight not being over a weekend is now over $500, it just was not worth it to head out to ATL. So, my travels have not been happening lately. But hey, life goes on, I suppose.
it's a beautiful weekend here in Chicago so I'm not too sorry to be here. i was outside a lot today just enjoying the weather and I'll keep on doing that tomorrow, as well. Perhaps I'll talke some photos of the fabu weather and the gathering wth my friends and sorors. We'll see
Monday, April 9, 2007
Fun Time with Santana
Here I am with my girlfriend's daughter Santana. Isn't she just the most precious thing?

And here is my best friend Renee and I having a ball with Santana! Santana's Mom was taking the pictures - since she would not let me take any photos with her!

My next visit to DC is coming up with weekend so I am looking forward to hopefully seeing Santana again - and maybe a few other youngins, as well. Ciao for now
Memories of Jamaica
So as I updating my tax receipts to give to my accountant, I was looking at some receipts from my trip last year to Jamaica for my sorority's Health Summit. What a blast. Since this is a blog of my travel adventures, I thought it might be fun to share some of those photos with you. This was a GREAT trip - I really enjoyed it.
So this is our villa at the Half Moon Bay Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica. It was spectacular and slept 14 people. Me and 13 sorors from our Chicago Alum Chapter stayed for five days and four nights! How fabulous it was!

This was the view from the back veranda of our villa. See the water through the palm trees?

This is our back veranda with our own private pool - in case we were too lazy to go to the resort's 3 different pool areas. Believe me, we were!

My sorors were doing the "Electric Slide" in the water! What fun!



Next week, I'll be visiting my brother and my sister-in-law in MD. Can't WAIT to see them. And I'll see some friends and some of my favorite little ones who are just growing up by leaps and bounds. My goodness, where does the time go?
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Mom & Dad came to visit
Here we are at the Black Orchid Dinner Theater. We had a great time. The photo came out a little grainy once I lightened the background shadows but we had a ball!
They went home Tuesday before the storms that are coming through. Smart folks, my parents. Let's hope some of that rubs off on me
Hanging out in Milwaukee
We deemed my main client contact "Miss Grace Under Pressure" because she is always calm, no matter what crisis comes up for her on show site.
For my other main client contact, we gave him an Oscar for Best Stage Manager. What fun!
Although she did not see any cows, Dede still had a good time!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Doing stuff around the house
THen Saturday, I worked out (yea, me) and then went to brunch with my friend Venessa Grant at this place called Yolk. Yum Yum, as well. It was a good eating weekend.
So on Sunday, I decided to get to down business and start getting my receipt together for my accountant to do my taxes. Well, in order to find the receipts, I had to clear the clutter of paper and stuff from my desk. Whittled the four piles down to one more to go through.
Notice the virtually empty inbox!!! I'm so proud!
That's my last pile to go through on the left there in the other inbox.
You can't see the file cabinet underneath but the biggest accomplishment of the day was going through and tossing out old files - to make room for my new files!! Four garbage bags worth of files - it was crazy! But so CATHARTIC!!!! How fun!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sedona, AZ photots - I figured out how to post them!!!! Yea

Bloomington-Normal and other travels...
I took Monday and Tuesday off work to just get things together and have a few days "off" with no agenda. It's been lovely. I would have taken the entire week off except that I have something "scheduled" to do for work on Wed and Thurs. It's been great just to rest up and take my time in getting the house "uncluttered." I also did some work for one of my girlfriends who is running for a national office in our sorority but once again, it's been great to just relax.
So I do not have pictures from my trip to Bloomington yet but I do have pictures from my trip to Sedona, AZ this past November with three of my girlfriends for our 40th birthday. let's see if I can figure out how to post these photos.
OK, I don't think I've figured it out yet. I'll email Jeff to HELP!!!!!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Phew.... a long day...
Life is good, though. I am grateful for every day God grants me on this earth. As My Dad says all the time - "It beats the alternative as I'm not ready to give up my space."
This weekend, I'm traveling to Bloomington, IL for my sorority's Statewide Founders Day. It should be fun! Perhaps I'll have learned to snap digital photos and then we'll have some photos on the blog. Finally! Yahoo!!!! Happy Days to all!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Cherai's First Post
Well, in keeping with my title, my most recent travel was to San Diego, California. My client AAAAI had their Annual Meeting there at the San Diego Convention Center. Although I was working LOTS of hours for my client, I did actually get out to Coronado Bay and have dinner at this really yummy seafood restaurant. Some friends picked me up and we had a great time.
Since 2007 has started, I've been to Palm Springs (nice and warm - yea) and New Orleans (not so warm but had a great time - just got a little cold b/c it was wet and cool but we got over that one).
Stay tuned for future posts as I continue to travel the world. Next weekend I'll be in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois for a sorority statewide meeting. My goal is to learn how to use my digital camera so that you can enjoy photos as well as prose from yours truly.
Have a happy week!