Thursday, June 12, 2008

What's Shaking???

Hey everyone. It's been a CRAZY Spring, that's for sure but I'm making it through. I'm a little tired right more show to get through and then I can take a break - thank goodness.

So, in early May I went to Grand Rapids and stayed at the lovely Amway Grand for our MPI-Chicago Area Chapter Board of Directors Retreat. The folks in Grand Rapids treated us like royalty and I had a blast! Here is one of the turndown sweeties they set out for us.

Here's my buddy me and L hanging out in one of the fabulous suites at the Marriott just taking it all in and taking a breather! Sista needs to go on a diet, that's for sure.

Here are the final night owls hanging out at a comedy club. The comedians weren't that great but we had a good time hanging out!

Since then, I was in town for most of May but then headed right out to Baltimore to my client's program SLEEP 2008. We had a few bumps on the show but overall it went pretty well so I'm really glad that the client is happy. One highlight of the week is that I got to visit with my brother Jeff & his wife Laura. That was just awesome. I also got to hang out with ALL MY DC GIRLS (MSA, RDHCH, ARB, & LW). We were quite hilarious and loud and tons of fun. Actually went clubbing - haven't donw that in YEARS! One other highlight was tons of YUMMY crabs in a good ole' crab feast - in season. How fun!

Now I have one week and then my last Spring program MDS runs at the Hilton. Then I think I'm taking a bit of a break b/c I'm a bit tuckered out!

I want to start looking for a job but I'm just really too tired to concentrate on that right now. I've put some feelers out there. I really want to just take a few moments (days) to just sit and do nothing and just think for a bit. Hopefully, I'll get some downtime at the Delta convention. Hope springs eternal!

Hugs to all. Happy Father's Day for all you dads!

1 comment:

Meghan, Bill and Nick said...

Cherai...I love that I can keep up with what you're doing this way! Did you make it to the reunion? Drop me a line some time. Meg