Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Wood's apology - did it require a break in regular programming?

So, as many of you know, I work from home. So the tv is sometimes on for the white noise factor in the background. Today, ABC cut into its regular programming to show Tiger's statement live.
Yes, he was contrite and apologetic and overall, pretty sincere in his defense of his wife Elin and all that. Hopefully his statement achieved what he and his team wanted it to - a start on the road of a comeback.

My question - was it really necessary to show this speech live? And then - they (GMA hosts Robin R and George S) commentated on the speech like it was a political speech. Analyzed all the aspects of it, who all he addressed his speech to, his defense of Elin, his willingness to really go far in his contriteness of his actions....comparing it to other apology speeches and just go short of giving it a grade. Seriously? I just sat here in stupefied silence watching all that thinking "so unnecessary." But that's just me. What do you think?

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