Sunday, April 13, 2008

Taxes....a necessary evil...

So here I am, procrastinating as usual. I'm just now starting to put my receipts in order to get my taxes to my accountant. Fortunately, I am more than likely due for a refund so I won't be penalized for turning in my taxes late. However, if I do end up owing taxes, then....I'll just pay the taxes and the late fees. So yes, it's a gamble but I'm pretty confident that it will be a refund so......we're just gonna go with that.

Now, if I only would keep track of my receipts throughout the year, then we would not have this problem. I bought Quicken over a year ago and still have not been tracking my expenses, etc. However, with the recession coming on, I need to buckle down. That may just get me started on tracking my expenses to get rid of the wasteful spending and start saving more money. I'm not too concerned at the moment of losing my job; however, I want a safety net just in case..... Also starting back up the Weekenders business so that I'm ready to go.

OK - back to the grind of gathering my receipts. Wish me luck.