Monday, April 14, 2008

The race is on to make the April 15th deadline.....or is it?

Not really. Since I have not owed taxes in 5 years, I'm going to take a chance, NOT file an extension and turn in my taxes late so that I can take my time and get these receipts done without having to stay up all night. So here I am again, just clicking away and avoiding doing the inevitable...putting in my tax receipts!

Anyway, had a good meeting with one of my favorite clients today. The meeting lasted WAY longer than expected but it was good and fun so......can't complain. I have a meeting tomorrow with one of my problem children. My main client contact is neurotic and a worry wart and very cheap so it makes things interesting when we meet with her. Fortunately, my CS manager is quite charming so I'm letting him do all the talking! It could be worse, though, b/c my other client that I don't care for is so secretive and withholding of key information. It's a pain in the REAR!

OK - back to the grind. Pray for me.

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