Saturday, June 14, 2008

Weekenders Inc. goes belly-up!

Many of you know that I've had a side hustle (part-time job) since May 2003. Selling Weekenders Clothing Line was a great gig for me. I had some great clothes (many of you who read the blog have been customers of mine, and I truly appreciate your support), made some new good friends and had a little extra cash to pay for some trips, etc. Not to mention some terrific tax write-off's, which a single sista needed in the worst way.

Well, unfortunately, on June 9, 2008, Weekenders declared bankruptcy. I had only been selling the clothes through catalogue sales for the past 1.5 years as my day job had kept me so daggone busy. This Spring & Summer season was my first "active" season with two shows scheduled and having gotten some samples together. Well, bummer but now we're done.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cherai...I heard of this last week as a couple on my team were weekender associates....and one who wanted to jpoin couldn't as she was a paid supervisor or somthing like must be more than a bit upset after the work and learning you put into your part-time weekender business....would you consider looking at a rock-solid and hugely expanding oppty. and work alongside some former weekender gals!

Let me know

Anonymous said...

This is for all you hard working ladies who want a career in fashion! How about Jockey Person to Person - we do home parties and you can sign for free! Good until July 18! I would love to grow my team with you selling a well known brand!

Anonymous said...

oh yes my website